martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Autoimmune hepatitis

A. What criteria did you consider to select the reading? Explain details. Also mention the follower's name that posted your selection.
Is in the teacher's blog and is the most interesting topic.
B. What's it title? and author (s)?
autoinmune hepatitis and no author´s name
C. What kind of publication is it? Include the link, please.
Is an article and the link is

D. List the most important ideas of the reading. Include an evidence from the article. (Copy/paste). In order to write a synopsis of the whole thing.
Autoimmune hepatitis affects the liver.Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks liver cells. This immune response causes inflammation of the liver, also called hepatitis. Researchers think a genetic factor may make some people more susceptible to autoimmune diseases. About 70 percent of those with autoimmune hepatitis are female.
The disease is usually quite serious and, if not treated, gets worse over time. Autoimmune hepatitis is typically chronic, meaning it can last for years, and can lead to cirrhosis—scarring and hardening—of the liver. Eventually, liver failure can result.
Autoimmune hepatitis is classified as type 1 or type 2. Type 1 is the most common form in North America. It can occur at any age but most often starts in adolescence or young adulthood. About half of those with type 1 have other autoimmune disorders, such as
type 1 diabetes
proliferative glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of blood vessels in the kidneys
thyroiditis, an inflammation of the thyroid gland
Graves’ disease, the leading cause of overactive thyroid
Sjögren’s syndrome, a syndrome that causes dry eyes and mouth autoimmune anemia
ulcerative colitis, an inflammation of the colon and rectum leading to ulcers
Type 2 autoimmune hepatitis is less common, typically affecting girls aged 2 to 14, although adults can have it too.
E. What did you figure out from the article?
Everything related to autoimmune hepatitis
F. Write a conclusion
Treatment works best when autoimmune hepatitis is diagnosed early. With proper treatment, autoimmune hepatitis can usually be controlled. In fact, studies show that sustained response to treatment stops the disease from getting worse and may reverse some of the damage.
The primary treatment is medicine to suppress, or slow down, an overactive immune system.
Both types of autoimmune hepatitis are treated with daily doses of a corticosteroid called prednisone. Treatment may begin with a high dose of 30 to 60 mg per day and be lowered to 10 to 20 mg per day as the disease is controlled. The goal is to find the lowest possible dose that will control the disease.
In about seven out of 10 people, the disease goes into remission within 3 years of starting treatment.
Some people with mild forms of the disease may not need to take medication. Doctors assess each patient individually to determine whether those with mild autoimmune hepatitis should undergo treatment.
G. Make a list of the vocabulary you consider key or related to the topic?
Proliferative glomerulonephritis,
Inflammation of blood vessels in the kidneys
Inflammation of the thyroid gland
Graves’ disease, the leading cause of overactive thyroid
Sjögren’s syndrome, a syndrome that causes dry eyes and mouth autoimmune anemia
Ulcerative colitis,
Inflammation of the colon
Rectum leading to ulcers
H. Find at least one example of each of the grammar structures we have studied during this period (segundo parcial). Be sure to include the whole sentence where you found each of them.

1 comentario:

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